Complaints procedure

Our chiropractors are affiliated with various associations and registries. For chiropractor Roy Hammond his affiliation includes the Stichting het Nationaal Register van Chiropractoren (SNRC) and the Stichting Geschilleninstantie Register Chiropractoren (SGRC). Should you wish to file a formal complaint you can find out more here.

For chiropractor Tessa Haanstra the following applies:

Nederlandse Chiropractoren Associatie – NCA (Dutch Chiropractors Association)

Complaints and disputes

Needless to say, your chiropractor will be happy to hear from you when you are satisfied with your treatment and the results. Unfortunately, it can also happen that you have a different experience, in which case it is equally important that you put forward your opinion or complaint.

Your report will always be registered and may lead to a measure to improve the care provided.

1. Talking to your chiropractor

We advise you to always discuss any problems with your chiropractor first. Problems can often be solved in mutual consultation. This may involve miscommunication or different expectations.
Talking about it will make you feel better and gives you the opportunity to exchange experiences, to talk about the treatment or the approach and to be open to each other! Your complaint will be registered in the practice, and a note will be made in the patient file.

2. Filing a complaint

If you cannot find a solution during a personal meeting, you can report your complaint (in writing) to the chiropractor. Upon receipt of the complaint, the chiropractor will examine your complaint carefully. Your chiropractor is required to deal with your complaint and to try to find a solution. The chiropractor must keep you informed of the progress in handling your complaint and come up with an official response within 6 weeks. In this response he/she must make clear what judgment he/she has reached and whether any measures have been decided upon. The complaints officer will receive a copy of this. If it is not possible to respond within 6 weeks, the term can, in consultation with the complainant, be extended to a maximum of 10 weeks.

3. Complaints Officer NCA

During or after this process, both you and the chiropractor can call in the complaints officer. The complaints officer listens to you, helps to formulate and clearly describe the complaint and can give you support. He/she will try to restart the conversation between you and the chiropractor and guides the mediation process between you and the chiropractor. The complaints officer is an independent, neutral and impartial mediator who has the interests of both parties in mind. A satisfactory solution for both the complainant and the defendant; that is the purpose of the complaints mediation! If you still cannot find a solution together, the complaints officer can advise you with regard to a possible follow-up procedure.

4. Dispute resolution

If after discussions with your chiropractor and/or with the help of the mediation by the complaints officer no solution is reached, then there may be a dispute. Through the Stichting Chiropractie Nederland – SCN (Foundation Chiropractic Netherlands) a dispute resolution is available. All members of the NCA are registered with the quality register of the SCN. The complaints officer can inform you of this. You cannot submit a complaint directly to the disputes committee without having gone through the first three steps. The reason for this is that it is important to first try and find a solution by means of communication.

All SCN registered chiropractors are affiliated with the disputes committee of Stichting Zorggeschil (Healthcare Dispute Foundation). This committee has other powers, makes a binding decision and can handle and award claims for damages. Feel free to request information from the complaints officer of the NCA. Visit at or send an e-mail to
Stichting Zorggeschil / Postbus 1021 / 7940 KA MEPPEL / Tel. 0561-618711 (from 9:00 until 17:00)

5. Regular judge

If you are not satisfied with this decision either, you can go to a regular court within two months after the decision of the disputes committee.

6. Damages claims

If you are not satisfied with the outcome after mediation of your complaint, if you have suffered damages or if you want to file a claim immediately, you can let your practitioner know. Determining the liability, after a claim has been submitted to the insurer, is often a complicated and lengthy process. You must submit the claim in writing to your own practitioner.

7. Health care inspection

The Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg- Wkkgz (Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act), as set out in Article 1(1)(a), stipulates that calamities must be reported immediately to the Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg – IGZ (Dutch Health Care Inspectorate) A calamity is described by IGZ as “an unintended or unexpected event that relates to the quality of care and that has led to the death of or a serious detrimental effect on a client”.

Complaints Officer NCA:
Available daily for patients and chiropractors on the following telephone numbers:
06 44772024 or by e-mail:

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